Lead­ing, work­ing and learn­ing to im­prove health, safety,
our en­vir­on­ment and qual­ity.

KAEFER is committed to the safety of our people and our customers, with quality and environmental preservation being critical in the overall delivery of everything we do. As a business we continually review and strive for improvement across these areas. Underpinning this is KAEFER’s management, culture and HSEQ Pro­gram (SMART Choices). This en­com­passes the full scope of KAE­FER’s busi­ness activities and responsibilities. SMART Choices is centered around five key business pil­lars:

SAFE Choices  
En­sur­ing our em­ploy­ees stay as safe as pos­sible when at work or home.

PROUD Choices
A qual­ity-fo­cused pil­lar. We want our employees to be proud of the work they do, the skills they con­trib­ute and the company at large.

GREEN Choices
The en­vir­on­mental pil­lar’s fo­cus is to min­im­ise the im­pact of our work on the envir­on­ment.

HEALTHY Choices 
KAEFER is a people-fo­cused busi­ness. As such, we want all of our em­ploy­ees to be as fit and healthy as possible, physically and men­tally.

KAE­FER’s Lean jour­ney is the found­a­tion of this pil­lar. We strive to con­duct all busi­ness activ­it­ies in the most efficient man­ner pos­sible.

Delivering across full asset lifecycles, from construction to asset integrity, maintenance & shutdowns.
Contact us now +61 8 9224 4600