Social projects

World Mental Health Day 2022

The 10th of October is World Men­tal Health Day, an in­ter­na­tional day for global men­tal health educa­tion, aware­ness and ad­vocacy against so­cial stigma. Whilst the pan­demic has, and con­tin­ues to, take its toll on our men­tal health, World Men­tal Health Day raises aware­ness and understanding about men­tal well­being and en­cour­ages mo­bil­ising sup­port for ac­tion.

At KAEFER, we take ac­tion for our health and main­tain a trust­ing re­la­tion­ship with our em­ploy­ees, customers, con­tract­ors, sup­pli­ers and other stake­hold­ers to en­sure the well­be­ing of every­one we work with.

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